General Services

  • FREE 30 minute consultation: Includes positioning advice, customized goals, resources, networking introductions, and action item follow-ups.

  • Metadata package: Age curation, comic description, librarian review/recommendation, & category/BISAC codes. All the goodies you need to position your comics for discovery in the school and library markets.

  • Full “book tour” experience: All the above services plus I will represent your title in the library market, introduce you to connections, provide new resources and opportunities, and help unlock this revenue stream for your comic! This option is available for both new and previously published titles.

  • COMING SOON: Pre-recorded webinar for general library market advice that fits your schedule.

  • FREE: Join my Facebook group! Get instant access to my advice plus lots of comics-friendly library folks and indie comics creators

Need something to fit your unique goals and budget? Drop me a line below! I’m open to working with you on custom options.

(Don’t understand the terminology used above? Read on:)

  • Metadata-The term for all the digital information required to drive discovery via computer platforms like Amazon or Hoopla. Think of it as coding, but for your books!

    • BISAC codes, age curation, etc.-Nerd speak for specific pieces of metadata, including the categories or subjects your book is about, and the proper age-appropriate audience recommendation (believe me, important stuff!)